Rishabh operates a state-of-the art testing laboratory since 2017 leveraging our technical and testing experience of over 31 years.
We provide EMI-EMC Testing,Type testing, Environmental testing, Life Cycle testing, Electro-technical Calibration, Mechanical Testing and other services, all under the one roof.
Our goal is to provide professional and timely service to product developers to test their product and hand-hold them to get the required certification.
Lab at Rishabh is a 100% privately operated by Rishabh Instruments Pvt Ltd. We offer a “one-stop” service for establishing compliance under all major International Standard and guide lines.
NABL Certificate | Scope of Accreditation | |
Testing | Download | Download |
Calibration | Download | Download |
Quality Policy
The quality policy of rishabh testing and calibration laboratory is to continually improve the quality of services provided and to ensure customer confidence. It aims at providing standard services to customer by producing reliable and accurate test and calibration results in agreed time schedule. These goals shall be achieved by means of management systems complying with International standard ISO/ IEC 17025: 2017(E).
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